The dreaded B word

Why do we feel that this word is negative and that it’s restrictive? Yet this is the one word that actually does the very opposite. It actually gives you more room to breathe and it has a positive effect on your budget.

A budget allows you to recognise where you are overspending or under resourcing. It allows you to make room for money to do more for you. It's so important to change your mindset towards a budget. To recognise that it's a useful tool that allows you to better manage your money.

Have a think about your mindset towards a budget. Is it a negative or positive one?

If it’s negative here are a few ways to help change it towards the positive:

  1. Try and understand why you have a negative view to a budget

  2. Try and reflect to what moment that negative viewpoint began 

  3. Read and listen to finance resources, for you to understand what it truly means to have a budget

  4. TRY IT!

Let's be budget lovers! Not Haters!


Are your emotions getting the better of you?


How did I get here?