How far is retirement really?

You find yourself in your 20s or 30s and you think retirement is far off!?! Well, believe it or not this is the best time to plan and start saving into your retirement.

The earlier you start the more you gain! Many in the finance community have calculations on the beauty of compounding interest and how it’s not necessarily about the amount you put that will bear more fruit but actually the earlier you start!

I know right now a trip to somewhere perfectly Instagramable is a lot more attractive than paying into your pension or other retirement funds.

I know if you have just come out of uni, you probably feel like you can’t afford to save for retirement which is so very far away. However, let me let you in on a secret… Even when you finally have that job that pays you way more, your lifestyle will probably make you feel that you still don’t have enough to save!

I encourage you, my 20 or 30 year old reader, please pay into your pension and into that retirement pot. Your future, wiser self will thank your younger self!

Sacrifice now to live a longer lasting Yolo lifestyle well into your 60s plus.


Simple ways to start saving.


20 side hustles for you to try