As I started to scale back on the budget, there were certain things I found that just did not serve us !

1. Paper towels - if you have a toddler you will see these literally disappearing before your eyes! Think about every spill, every tear, a wiped mouth and straight into the bin! It’s just not economical!

2. Cleaning products for each room - so no more only bathroom, only toilet cleaning sprays! Here I just went to the all purpose route and works perfectly and interchangeably

3. Frozen chips - a good ol packet of potatoes goes a long way and also they taste so much better! You don’t have to fry them you can make them healthier by putting them in the oven or airfryer - if you’re fancy!

4. Branded canned items - tomatoes, baked beans, peas, sweetcorn etc etc, non brand does the job!

5. Celebration cards - birthdays, Christmas etc cards, people read and then it becomes unnecessary paper clutter, so you can get a gift from me but there will be no card accompanying it sorry! Not sorry!

6. Branded squash - once it went all sugar free, it just tastes the same to me, so the store brand does the trick.

7. Heels - so I never knew how to wear them and be comfortable and I still don’t! So I stopped kidding myself and just don’t buy them.

8. Kitchen gadgets - electric can opener, toastie maker, popcorn maker etc etc, just a whole lot of stuff on the counter or worse off, used once or twice whilst new and then end up in the back in the cupboards!

9. Ready made sauces - bolognese sauce, sweet and sour sauce etc etc, so much healthier to make them yourself and cheaper, so making our own and once you learn to make it, that’s it.

10. Toys - never been a fan of toys galore, so now I usually leave it to others to gift my daughter or receive pass me downs, toys are often used minimally and make a lot of clutter.


15 Ways that helped us save £10,000


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