You are an investment.

One key to successfully managing your finances is to invest in your knowledge with regards to how to best manage your money.

Often a common excuse and sometimes a misconception is that it’s pricey to invest in oneself. The cost of courses and professionals advertised often do play into this where they are offering deals but the course still costs 100s and 100s! Don’t let these things put you off from learning and growing. There are plenty of cost effective ways to invest in yourself.

Here a few ways and places that I would like to suggest to you:

1. Library (books, free wifi, workshops)

2. YouTube

3. Podcasts

4. Blogs

5. Social Media

6. Eventbrite (free events, workshops and webinars)

Don’t hesitate to invest in yourself!


22. Can you survive on just one income? (1 IS PLENTY)


Are the things you love really safe?